Why do I write so often about Milwaukee’s African-Americans?
I recently saw a post on a liberal blog that implied that people like me who write about the overwhelming levels of crime in the inner-city of Milwaukee are motivated by racism. (I’ve since gone back to look for the post, discount viagra health but I’ve been unable to locate it.)
That made me wonder why I do write so often about the failures of a portion of Milwaukee’s
And I realized it has several parts:
1.) I’m very disturbed by the crime in Milwaukee. I love this city. I live within 50 blocks of the neighborhoods where most of the murders and shootings take place. I spend almost every day in downtown
2.) I subconsciously associate the violence in the inner-city with all the failures of the Left in the last 60 years.
After all, what party has controlled Milwaukee for most of it’s downfall? The
What institution is failing the most in the inner city? The Milwaukee Public School system. Who keeps the schools from being held responsible? The teacher’s unions. Who do the teacher’s unions support? The Democrats.
Who turned Milwaukee into a welfare magnet in the ’70s and attracted the most shiftless and least employable citizens of Chicago to move to Milwaukee and live off the dole? The Democrats.
Who presided over the dismantling of the traditional family and the diminishment of shame that has lead to fatherless families and children raising children in the inner-city? The Democrats.
So basically, I see every inner-city crime that I highlight as an indictment of the Left, their policies, and their unwillingness to clean up the mess that they’ve created.
I draw attention to what happens in Milwaukee’s inner-city not because I hate African-Americans, but because I hate the wrong-headed and fuzzy thinking that helped create the culture of violence and failure that too often extinguishes their hopes…and ours.
9 comments July 9th, 2007