Posts with the tag 'Newsweek'

As part of Newsweek’s ongoing campaign against John McCain…

…columnist Anna Quindlen attacked him for not being very tech savvy.

That leaves me with a few questions:

1.) How sophisticated an Internet user is Barack Obama?

2.) Does she really think the next President will be googling “North Korea” rather than calling the CIA, cialis sales site NSA, cialis usa doctor and State Department for their evaluations?

(And if she really thinks the Internet is a more accurate and reliable source of information than the entire U.S. government, she needs to turn in her “Big Government Fan Club” membership card.)

3.) I use the Internet every day and I’ll tell you right now I want a president who is NOT wasting his time reading the Huffington Post, watching youtube and browsing porn.

We’re not electing the next Blogger-in-Chief.

And I’m less interested in electing someone who knows how to get online than I am in voting for someone who is willing to hold the line.

3 comments July 30th, 2008

Newsweek loses their own dignity with “dignity index” attack on Bob Novak

I don’t have much respect for the folks at Newsweek (they’re 1/2 a step above People magazine journalistically), buy viagra decease but I lost whatever respect I did have when I read the Dignity Index in today’s issue:

Dignity Index: Bob Novak Has Had Better Weeks
A weekly mathematical survey of dubious behavior that measures, cialis generic tadalafil on a scale of 1 to 100, store just how low a person can go.

First, he whines that John McCain may have used him to peddle veepselection rumors to distract from Obama’s trip. Really? You think? Score: 12

While driving in Washington, the conservative pundit hits a pedestrian and briefly fails to stop, claiming he didn’t realize he’d hit anybody. Score: 54

The best part of the traffic incident? Apparently the 77-year-old Novak drives a black Corvette convertible. Score: 60

Of course, maybe Mr. Novak really didn’t realize he’d hit anybody considering the BRAIN TUMOR he was diagnosed with a few days later.

And maybe the folks at Newsweek should have their heads examined the next time they consider picking on an old man for not sharing their politics and driving an American sports car.

(The one thing they were right about is that Bob Novak has had better weeks.)

1 comment July 29th, 2008


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