Mayor Barrett tries to pull out all the big (and little) guns in State of the City address.
In his
As a community, viagra pilule we must intensify our efforts to hold criminals responsible and attack the root causes of crime.
He then proceeded to hold no one responsible and blame the whole problem on guns.
After a bunch of
I understand that enacting these laws will not stop thugs with guns overnight.
Try “will not stop thugs with
If Democrats ever manage to outlaw the ownership and manufacture of firearms, I wonder how they will explain the fact that the “thugs” will still have guns.
I’ve already debunked the claim that guns CAUSE crime.
What causes crime in Milwaukee is an inner-city culture that does not value education, traditional families, or taking responsibility.
Democrats do Milwaukee’s black community no favor by once again ignoring the real root causes and blaming every gun and everyone else.
3 comments February 20th, 2006