I’ve been thinking about it, and now I think Barack Obama will do his best…

…to govern towards the center, generic cialis sovaldi sale not have a scandal-filled administration and not rock the boat.


Well, generic viagra most Presidents feel the need to do big things. Reinvent government. Start a war. End a war. Stuff like that.

But Barack Obama doesn’t have to swing for the fences.

He already has a historic Presidency.

In fact, all he can do at this point is screw it up.

His job from here on in is to not make waves. If he can get through a couple of terms without major controversy or scandals, his place in history is secure.

If, on the other hand, he screws it up it’ll be 40 years before anyone other than a white guy wins the White House again.

2 comments December 13th, 2008


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