Even if Halloween masks can “predict” the election…

…I think they’re making a mistake by not considering all the people who bought Sarah Palin masks:

Barack Obama will be the next president. At least that’s what BuySeasons of New Berlin predicted last week based on the sales of its 99-cent paper presidential masks.

Sales of the masks as of Oct. 31 showed Obama with 55 percent of the sales and John McCain with 45 percent. The company, sildenafil ambulance founded in 1999, buy cialis see has accurately predicted the last two presidential elections based on its mask sales.

In Wisconsin, however, McCain masks are outselling Obama mask by 64 percent to 36 percent.

The company does not release the numbers of masks, but it does track the percentage of sales.

The firm also tracked sales of the primary election candidates for the first time this year, and its customers correctly picked Obama and McCain from their respective party fields.

“We’re four for four so far,” said Jalem Getz, president and CEO of the company. “We’re not biased. We have no interest other than selling Halloween masks.”

Poll generates publicity
Even though the company tracks only the sales of Obama and McCain masks now, it does sell vice presidential masks, too.

“There is a huge demand for Sarah Palin,” Getz said. “Women are the largest segment we sell to. Seventy percent of our customers are women.”

After all, most people I know are voting Republican are basically voting for Sarah, not John.

1 comment November 2nd, 2008


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