Posts filed under 'Isn’t it ironic?'

Illegal immigrants vs. exporting jobs

Why is it that liberals like Joel McNally love it when illegal immigrants come here to work, generic cialis order but HATE it when American companies move factories to other countries so potential illegal immigrants can stay home and work?

3 comments January 13th, 2006

How much you make has nothing to do with how much you’re worth.

Why is it that the people who make the most money as adults are just doing the things we all loved to do as kids?

Playing dress up:
Gisele B?ºndchen
$15.2 million

Playing pretend:
Leonardo DiCaprio
$20 million
Actor, generic viagra prostate The Aviator

Playing ball:
Alex Rodriguez
$25.2 million
Third baseman, Yankees

And the people who make the least…

Lori Lyons

Travis Harris
Shoe-shiner, Wall Street

…are doing the things none of us want to do?

Of course, there is one thing we did as kids that doesn’t pay very well when you’re an adult…

Playing soldier:
Gregory Burke
Private first class, United States Army, stationed in Iraq
(includes $130 monthly hazardous-duty fee)

Add comment January 13th, 2006

Best-selling memoir’s credibility shattered into A Million Little Pieces

It seems best-selling author James Frey embellished his memoir, discount viagra capsule A Million Little Pieces, tadalafil to the point that you could consider it fiction.

A writer masquerading as something he’s not? I’m outraged.

Oops. Wrong link.

Ignore that link.

(And the man behind the curtain.)

Use this one:

Best-Selling Memoir Draws Scrutiny – New York Times

1 comment January 10th, 2006

Isn’t it ironic? #1

Isn’t it ironic that Milwaukee’s Layton Park Blogger’s homepage featured a post attacking the validity of evolution right next to a link to the Darwin Awards?

3 comments January 1st, 2006

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