But I don’t want to be “it”…
Dean at Musings of a Thoughtful Conservative tagged me for a blog meme.
(If you don’t know what any of that means, generic viagra doctor don’t sweat it. I don’t quite get it myself.)
Basically, I’m supposed to tell you eight random things about my self:
1.) I once played the part of a shark in a high school synchronized swimming show.
2.) I was completely embarrassed in a fencing match against the Australian National Epee Champion who literally laughed at me while kicking my butt three Touches to nothing.
3.) My first pet was named after O.J. Simpson.
4.) I had to get certified as a SCUBA diver twice, because I was too lazy to send a check to get my actual certification card when I was 16.
5.) In high school football, I was penalized for roughing two different kickers in two different games in two successive weeks. (But I only really roughed one of them…and he deserved it.)
6.) My first real kiss was in a bowling alley parking lot.
7.) I took Latin for four years in high school and German for four years in college and I can still barely understand a word of either language.
8.) In general, I have a hard time reading books written by women (even though some of my favorite books were written by them).
Now, I’m supposed to tag eight other bloggers. But because I don’t think eight other bloggers even read this site, I’m just gonna skip that part. ;)
1 comment July 27th, 2007