Posts filed under 'Blogs'

What’s worse, statutory rape or people who would defend it?

I found many of the comments on this post by Ann Althouse about Roman Polanski’s arrest to be very disturbing.

They were arguing that it was somehow OK that Polanski had sex with a 13-year-old girl.

The comments I found most repulsive were the ones that implied that a 13-year-old is a teenager not a child.

I’m sorry, viagra canada rx but just because 13 is the first number with a “teen” in it, does not mean the girl was the equivalent of a 16-, 17-, 18-, or 19-year-old.

2 comments September 28th, 2009

The Pub has moved

Visit James Widgerson at his new home: Wigderson Library & Pub.

3 comments September 14th, 2009

Dave Casper is a good friend…

And he’s Blegging for a good cause (and a chance for you to win!).

3 comments September 10th, 2009

And now I can put off writing my own yearly diatribe against gun control a little longer

Because I can just link to this instead:

A vote for gun control is a vote for thunderdome.

1 comment August 25th, 2009

She’s a gun-toting librarian…

…and she’s starting to get pissed off:

You know…I was planning this whole post about how I feel like I live in upside-down topsy-turvey, cialis sales view inside-out & backwards land when I read the news lately. Dissent is no longer patriotic, buy viagra the feds are asking us to rat on our neighbors, 11-year olds ask tougher questions of Obama than the press corps, astroturfing is now grassroots, grassroots is political terrorism, and everything else is racist.

Add comment August 15th, 2009

The blog “Don’t Buy The Lie”…

says don’t miss The Abortionist.

3 comments August 12th, 2009

My newest best buddy and big toe:

My favorite “gun blog” Rustmeister’s Alehouse posted an announcement about The Abortionist. I’m grateful. And I’d like to point out, best viagra sovaldi there are definitely guns in The Abortionist.

2 comments August 6th, 2009

Find some Letters in Bottles

I could spend a lot of time telling you why you should be reading Letters in Bottles, generic viagra sale but that would just take time away from you actually reading it.



Thank me later.

Add comment June 25th, 2009

I wonder if my liberal friend Capper realizes…

…that the best way to stop Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker from “ruining” Milwaukee County is to get him promoted to Governor?

I expect Capper to donate to Walker’s election campaign any second now. ;)

3 comments June 16th, 2009

I haven’t linked to…

Boots and Sabers in a while.

Not because they don’t deserve it.

But because if I linked to them every time they deserved to be linked to, cialis buy click my blog would be nothing but links to Boots and Sabers.

Add comment March 25th, 2009

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Being in a wheelchair gives you a unique perspective on the world. This blog features many of my views on politics, art, science, and entertainment. My name is Elliot Stearns. More...

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