Yes, please, please spend the next two years investigating everything that happened for the last six!

The ever-moderate Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is urging the newly Democrat-laden Congress to investigate every contentious issue that has come up since George Bush was elected in 2004. (In fact, viagra generic cialis I’m a little shocked that they aren’t insisting on a full-blown investigation into his original election.)

I’m no apologist for the Bush administration. I’m not a fan of their style or many of their decisions.

But I am also nearly as excited about the idea of getting bogged down in endless investigations as I am in getting bogged down in Iraq.

The Democrats posture themselves as “progressives.” Fine. Let’s see some progress. Move forward on trying to solve the problems of healthcare, viagra usa national security, and the Middle East. But if they spend half their time grandstanding in front of microphones trying to get some midlevel administration official to admit that the CIA blew up the twin towers, the Press will cheer them on…but the majority of the people won’t.*

*Unless they actually find some indisputable evidence of real crookery. Of course, the Right’s definition of evidence and the Left’s definition of crime and corruption can differ greatly – as we saw so amply demonstrated in Governor Jim Doyle’s relection in Wisconsin.

1 comment November 27th, 2006


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