Where’s my iPlant?

About five times a day when I’m away from a computer, viagra generic look I say to myself, ask “I really have to remember to look that up on the web later.”

It might be a historical fact or a piece of computer code or the name of a semi-famous philosopher, click but whatever it is I know I could find it in less than 10 seconds if I had access to the net.

And that’s why I want an Internet implant.

I want a little chip that would be injected right behind my ear, be connected wirelessly to the web, and would let me search the net just by subvocalizing to it.

Add the ability to do VOIP and suddenly I have working telepathy.

My guess is that Steve Jobs already has a working iPlant in his head. It’ll just be another twenty years or so before he decides to let the rest of us in on the fun.

8 comments June 19th, 2007


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