What’s next? e-ffirmative Action?

I can’t believe that syndicated columnist Ellen Goodman is actually complaining that the Lefty Blogosphere is dominated by angry white males. She thinks the fact that so many popular political bloggers are white men is proof that women once again are being excluded from the old boys/new boys network.

She writes:

It’s about the political dialogue — who gets heard and who sets the agenda. Cooper (a female blogger) asks herself: “Are we going to do the same thing we’ve done all along, discount cialis store but with computers? Or will we create a new institution that allows for marginalized voices?”

But what new institution could do a better job representing marginalized voices than the Internet?

There is literally no barrier to entry. There’s not even any way to tell the color or sex of a blogger, cialis sale if they choose to use a pseudonym.

And what would Ms. Goodman suggest we do to “rectify” the imbalance: require browsers to read one female blogger for every male blogger they visit? Force some women to stop blogging about being moms and start blogging about whether or not we should elect a mom?

Once again, we can see that equal opportunity isn’t enough for some of those on the Left. Nothing less than equal outcomes will be tolerated.

(As a final aside, I find it noteworthy that two of the most popular and powerful conservative/independent bloggers – Michelle Malkin and Ann Althouse – are women , but all the main “progressive” bloggers are supposedly men.)

3 comments August 14th, 2007


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