Trains, planes and autohypnosis

Flight time from Chicago to Minneapolis is less than 1.5 hours.

Distance between Chicago and Minneapolis is around 400 miles.

The high speed trains they are proposing to run out of Chicago apparently cruise at around cialis usa unhealthy w-high-speed-rail-030909.article”>110 mph.

That would make it about 3.5 hours by train.

That’s already significantly slower than going by plane.

Now add 1/2 hour stops in Milwaukee, case Madison, and St. Paul.

Now your “high speed” trip from Chicago to Minneapolis is a 5 hour ordeal. Hell, the DRIVE from Chicago to Minneapolis only takes about 6.5 hours.

Going from Chicago to Minneapolison Southwest is already less expensive than taking the train. Do you really think a brand new high speed train’s ticket prices will be less than Amtrak’s current prices?

So, the only reason I can think of for us spending $8 billion dollars to create a slower more expensive way to go from Chicago to Minneapolis is that somebody must have hypnotized themselves into thinking it was a good idea.

5 comments April 6th, 2009


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