The end of Democrats?

A lot has been written lately about the inevitable doom of the Republican party, cialis buy buy viagra but if people really are becoming more individualistic, doesn’t that fly in the face of Democrat’s “it takes a village” meme?

Twenge, co-author with Campbell of the new book The Narcissism Epidemic, suggests there is a connection between an increase in narcissism in society and wanting baby names that are less common.

Such names illustrate the growth of individualism, she says, which could result in more narcissism.

“We know the desire for uniqueness is going up, and we know narcissism is going up. That doesn’t mean we can say it’s definitely a cause, but the two are clearly related,” she says.

Could it be that people acting like selfish asses could unexpectedly put an end to the party of the donkey?


6 comments May 20th, 2009


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