The Democrats might win the battle…

…but they’re going to lose the war.

And while I could be speaking of the war on terror, discount viagra levitra I’m actually talking about the war they seem to care most about…the fight for hearts and minds here at home.

The Democrats are doing everything they can to make sure the United States abandons the Iraqis to sectarian slaugther and ethnic cleansing.

I think they’ll win that battle.

And while they’ll reap short-term political rewards, sick they’re also reinforcing their image as America’s official party of defeat.

In a few years, cialis we’ll again be hearing Democrats crying about how the electorate won’t take them seriously when it comes to defense.

But how can we take them seriously, when their answer to every setback is surrender?

It seems modern Democrats cannot be trusted to keep America safe.

They would rather win short-term electorial victories pandering to panic than achieve lasting victory by encouraging Americans to embrace courage.

11 comments February 26th, 2007


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