Some thoughts on the Download 2006 – politics and blogging gathering: Part 1

This is NOT a live blog.

I’m just going to jot some thoughts while the “summit” is going on.

  1. I always find panel-oriented blog gatherings to be a contradiction in terms. Blogging is about giving everyone an equal opportunity to speak. “Summits” that give some bloggers a bigger voice than others just seem contrary to the nature of blogging in general.
  2. The panelists talked about the impact of the traditional media, viagra buy patient but I’m waiting for them to admit that bloggers had basically no impact on the elections.
  3. I would like to hear a bigger discussion about why so many Democrats voted for the gay marriage amendment and the death penalty.
  4. On the subject of why don’t the Republicans give more attention to students: seriously? With apologies to Jenna, viagra sale haven’t any of you heard the old saying “If you’re not a liberal when you’re young, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative when you’re older, you have no brain?”

4 comments November 11th, 2006


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