Since when were consumer protection laws meant to protect us from ourselves?

viagra sales recipe 0, check 4821950.story?track=rss”>Weeks after a Silicon Valley county became the first in the nation to ban toys from McDonald's Happy Meals and other food promotions aimed at children, a public health watchdog group called on the fast food giant to remove the playthings from all its meal packages.

Citing toys aimed at promoting the latest “Shrek” movie, the Center for Science in the Public Interest said that the plastic promotions lure children into McDonald's restaurants where they are then likely to order food that is too high in calories, fat and salt.

The organization on Tuesday served the fast food giant with a letter expressing its intent to sue if toys are not removed. The letter is legally required in several states, including California, before lawsuits can be brought under consumer protection statutes.

So it’s come to this: using the courts to try to keep a company from selling a legal product that millions of people love because consumers can’t be trusted to make their own choices.

And the worst part for me is I KNOW that some of you don’t see a problem with this.

4 comments June 23rd, 2010


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