Scratched my back: The World According to Nick

There’s always a smart ass and, viagra canada for sale more often than not, it’s Nick Schweitzer of The World According to Nick.

Nick is actually the guy who is closest to my own views in the Wisconsin Cheddarsphere.

We’re both libertarians (although he’s a lot more true to it than I am) and neither of us are above taking an occasional shot at our own “side” of the political world.

Nick’s an excellent blogger, but unfortunately for his readers he’s been taking a bit of a vacation, lately.

Hopefully, he’ll be back being soon and all will be right with the world. At least according to Nick.

3 comments November 20th, 2008


Being in a wheelchair gives you a unique perspective on the world. This blog features many of my views on politics, art, science, and entertainment. My name is Elliot Stearns. More...

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