Scratched my back: The Other Side of My Mouth

I have a special spot in the cockles (it doesn’t mean what you think it means) of my heart for Tim at The Other Side of My Mouth.

Tim was one of the first bloggers who ever linked to From Where I Sit (more than 4 years ago, tadalafil salve now).

When you’re struggling to attract your first readers, cialis usa getting an unrequested link from someone else is like having a pretty girl smile at you in a bar (or good-looking guy, if that’s what you’re into).

Tim’s a strong liberal and not shy about it.

If your politics lean left (or even if they don’t), The Other Side of My Mouth is worth your time.

One last thing about Tim: when I first started reading his blog he had a picture of Bob Marley as his profile image. So for about three months, I was absolutely convinced that Tim was an African American. Thank God, I never mentioned it to him (until now). ;)

2 comments November 26th, 2008


Being in a wheelchair gives you a unique perspective on the world. This blog features many of my views on politics, art, science, and entertainment. My name is Elliot Stearns. More...

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