Quit your caterwauling for Christ’s sake

If you do a search of my archives, viagra sale illness you’ll discover I’m no fan of George W. Bush.

I was never thrilled about the war in Iraq. Having a Department of “Homeland Security” creeps me out. And I think terrorism should be treated as a crime not a global conflict.

But I am sick to death of the apocalyptic bleating from the folks on the Left.

Over the last eight years, cialis sales America didn’t turn into Amerika.

American citizens are not being dragged off to the gulag.

The NSA is not peeking in through your windows.

George Bush, discount Dick Cheney, and Karl Rove are not Hitler, Himmler, and Goering reincarnated.

If you ever want the rest of us to take you seriously, ratchet down the rhetoric and re-enter reality.

George Bush will be gone soon enough and – odds are – it will be the Right’s turn to squall about Hurricane Hillary and the Democratic-lead decline of democracy.

6 comments August 2nd, 2007


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