One not-so-random thought about the “25 Random Things About Me” Facebook meme

My friend, discount cialis look Michael recently participated in the infamous “25 (or 28) Things You Might Not Know About Me” meme.

Some folks don’t seem to understand the appeal of the 25 (or 28) random things meme on Facebook:

Even more mysterious is the question of why is it that people are passing along this list so prolifically–is it just another means of self-aggrandizement through revelation of angst or quirkiness or humor, generic cialis as often can be the case with Facebook status updates? As Facebook’s Barker says, “These Notes are not just being shared among the younger generation on Facebook. I’m anecdotally noticing that people of all ages and from all over the world are writing 25 very touching and insightful ‘things’ about their lives and tagging friends in order to share it more broadly.”

Though some might say that Facebook user Carolyn Tillie said it best when she wrote on the wall for the Facebook group “I Refuse to Complete the 25 Random Things List:” “I have way more than 25 random things and most of them are extremely interesting and juicy. My close friends know some of them and the joy of our growing friendships is discovering what those random things are in each other — as part of building our friendships; not putting them out to the rest of the universe. Trust me, I am an intensely fascinating person and the 25 random things YOU discover by getting to know ME will be far more interesting than just reading a banal list that I put together.”

But I think the point is that these things are the very topics that are least likely to ever come up in a conversation. When’s the appropriate time to blurt out that you’re been fingerprinted? Or you were at the performance the night Jerry Seinfeld told the audience his pilot for his new TV show just got picked up by NBC?

Personally, I think this meme’s pretty cool and I suspect that’s why so many millions of people have participated in it.

1 comment February 11th, 2009


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