Maybe the thing Obama needs to change most…is his tune.

sildenafil viagra 8599, cialis canada 1839930,00.html”>Obama has become increasingly aggressive in challenging the GOP ticket’s efforts to co-opt his mantra of change. “You can’t just re-create yourself,” the Democratic nominee said Monday. “You can’t just reinvent yourself. The American people aren’t stupid.”

The American people AREN’T stupid, but Obama sounds a little bit like he might be.

Reinvention is what America is all about.

Norma Jean becomes Marilyn Monroe.

A Defense Department project becomes the Internet.

An actor from California becomes the President of the United States.

Reinvention holds a hallowed place in America’s history.

And if you don’t understand that, you’re more likely to be history…than to make it.

2 comments September 9th, 2008


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