Man, this stinks

And for once I’m not talking about politics.

Milwaukee Public Museum’s ‘corpse flower’ about to blossom
The city is about to get a snoot-full of its very own, viagra sale prescription very rare, discount cialis viagra very huge and very smelly “corpse flower, ed ” which is about to bloom at the Milwaukee Public Museum.

This titan arum blossoms only once every six years, and it has its tubers set on nothing less than becoming the biggest flower in the world. And if it does, Wisconsinites will be holding their noses all the way to Sheboygan.

The museum’s corpse flower, which has never bloomed before, has its roots in Sumatra, and only about 140 of the plants are known to exist in the world, according to Neil Luebke, curator of botany at the museum and the stinky plant’s guardian.

2 comments October 30th, 2008


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