Good God, this guy teaches at Harvard?

In defending Obamacare’s mandate, cialis buy viagra Harvard law professor Einer Elhauge wrote:

But not only is there a precedent for this, buy cialis discount there is also clear support for it in the Constitution. For decades, online Americans have been subject to a mandate to buy a health insurance plan — Medicare. Check your paystub, and you will see where your contributions have been deducted, whether or not you wanted Medicare health insurance.

Uhhhh, no. Medicare is a government program supported by a TAX. If Obamacare was a new government program supported by a tax then this Harvard professor would be correct it would be like Medicare. But it’s not. And this jackass either understands that and is attempting to deceive his readers or he does not and isn’t smart enough to teach law at Harvard or anywhere else.

12 comments November 17th, 2011


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