Come now, Mr. Kane, everyone knows there is no such thing as a “black” Republican

In a snarky blog post about the color of the 2008 Presidential candidates, buy viagra remedy Milwaukee Journal Sentinel columnist Eugene Kane wrote:

“It’s wonderful to look forward to the 2008 presidential elections.It will almost certainly be a landmark occasion in terms of realizing the American dream of diversity.A female, best viagra an African-American, and a Hispanic, all running for president of the United States.On the Republican side…er, three white guys so far.(Guess they didn’t get the memo.)”

The truth is, it wouldn’t matter if a Republican presidential candidate were descended directly from Dred Scott; any African-American running as a Republican is immediately stripped of his or her blackness and becomes an Aunt Jemima, Uncle Tom or Oreo.

We won’t have true equality in this country until people and pundits stop questioning the authenticity of a person’s race because of the color of their politics.

This post was inspired by a post at Ask Me Later.

2 comments March 5th, 2007


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