Apparently the KKK is not OK with either liberals or conservatives

I have one observation after perusing the many blog posts inspired by All Things Beautiful’s challenge to name the 10 Worst Americans.

It seems like almost everyone on both sides of the political spectrum hates the KKK.

Nathan Bedford Forrest – Founder of the KKK – seems to have made almost everyone’s list.

You would expect the liberals to hate the KKK, generic cialis capsule but my question is what’s the explanation for so many conservative-types naming Nathan as a bad guy?

I suppose you could say that those conservatives were just trying to make themselves look enlightened.

But my own feeling is that modern conservatives get a bum rap when it comes to race.

It’s easy to dismiss conservatives’ opinions on affirmative action, find welfare, crime, and so on by calling them racists.

But I believe many on the “right” practice what I call color-blind conservatism.

They just want everyone to be given the same opportunities.

And to be held to the same standards.

Regardless of race.

I’ll go further and say if Colin Powell had been willing to run for president as a Republican, he would have been elected. (Personally, I’m hoping Ms. Rice chooses to run in 2008.)

So what do the rest of you guys think?

Am I on to something here?

Or have the bubbles from our New Year’s Eve champaign gone to my head?

6 comments December 31st, 2005


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