
On this 4th of July, buy cialis cheap I’ve decided to exercise my freedom to light a few fuses and blow some stuff up.

So, levitra in no particular order, here are the 10 things I hate most about America.

1.) That our Constitution has become filled with rights that aren’t there (the right to an abortion, the right not to be bothered by religion).

2.) That our Constitution has been stripped of the rights that are there (freedom of speech is gutted by hate crime laws and restrictions on commercial and political speech, and the second amendment may as well not even be there.)

3.) That the “melting pot” has been replaced with that half-assed “salad” metaphor.

4.) That the last thing in the world I would want for a child of mine is for them to become a public servant…or, God forbid, a U.S. senator.

5.) That cheap or common is more valued by most Americans than good: Walmart vs. Target, Windows vs. Macintosh, etc…

6.) That American cars are still utter crap.

7.) That 99% of the bullshit the federal government does has nothing to do regulating interstate commerce.

8.) That our politicians don’t have the courage to address the real issues: entitlement programs, the growing deficit, government unions, etc…

9.) That the teachers unions all seem to care more about themselves than the kids they’re responsible for teaching.

10.) That no lawsuit is ever considered to be too senseless, greedy, or unfair.

13 comments July 4th, 2006


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